Te Ara Moana Trust
Local kids in local water
navigating their lives
He moana pukepuke ka ekengia e te waka
"a choppy sea can be navigated"
Te Ara Moana programmes use the sea to raise the confidence of our young people, teach them practical skills and improve their emotional resilience.
Resilience helps our children deal with everyday issues and empowers them to cope with challenges they face today, in adolescence and even adulthood.
We use a method called TPSR (Teaching Personal Social Responsibility), to teach values based on the pursuit of māuri ora (wellbeing).
Our programmes are safe places for new experiences, where students are supported and encouraged in their learning. They learn confidence; water survival; rescues; problem-solving and how to make responsible decisions to get the best outcomes.
"She is water, powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to save you" Adrian Michael

What We Do
Confidence in a safe environment
We are a charitable trust operating in Porirua building confidence and resilience in young people via activities in the water.
Safety and fun in the water require; the ability to make your own decisions, to work with people from a different school to find a solution, an understanding of the impact of your own behaviour, and the ability to be self-directed.

How We Do It
A Holistic Approach
We spend most of the time in and on the water learning water skills.
Māuri ora - life force is what gives us our get up and go. Our teaching is based on personal social responsibility and Māori values demonstrating respect, generosity and care for ourselves, the environment, belongings and the kaupapa-principles.

Safety is our number one priority
Working and playing in the water involves a level of risk.
We have:
a Specified Limits Permit from Nō Te Rere Moana Aotearoa (Maritime New Zealand)
systems to assess, document and mitigate risks.
a well trained and competent team.
quality gear for students to use and wear.